(2) 2x12 Cabs vs. (1) 4x12 Cab, and Wattage Question?


Fractal Fanatic
when you have lets say for example (2) 2x12 cabs powered by 50 watts compared to (1) 4x12 cab powered by 100 watts is the perceived volume equal? Lets say the speakers were exactly the same and the power used for both was the same kind, do two lower powered solution equal one higher powered solution?
Re: (2) 2x12 Cabs vs. (1) 4x12 Cab, anw Wattage Question?

I belive the Volume difference between 50 and 100 watts is only 3 db. It's the dynamic head room that benefits. Where you place the 212 cabs will make a big difference ie; stacked or separated, Vertical or Horzontal.

The type of cab will have an effect as well Open Vrs Closed back. If your trying to decide as to which cabs to run, a pair of 212's just for the simple fact of more options would make more sence. 50 tube Watts is still pretty effen loud. :shock:
Re: (2) 2x12 Cabs vs. (1) 4x12 Cab, anw Wattage Question?

i've had (2) 50-60 watt heads and everyone tells me they should be able to hang with my 100 watt heads but they just really never could at least in my loud metal band lol. I'm sure in a mellower scenario it would be fine. But I guess does (2) 50 watt setups equal (1) 100 watt setup in the perceived volume aspect? If in a perfect world all things in question were as identical as possible?

Let me give this possible scenario:
I have a mono/stereo 4x12 cabinet and I plug a Carvin DCM150 poweramp that has 75 watts a side in stereo or 150 watts in bridged mono mode into it.

TEST 1: I use the cab in stereo at 75watts on each side
TEST 2: I use the cab in mono at 150watts total

now I know the Ohms wouldn't be the same but lets say they were lol, would the perceived sound levels match?
Re: (2) 2x12 Cabs vs. (1) 4x12 Cab, anw Wattage Question?

rsf1977 said:
i've had (2) 50-60 watt heads and everyone tells me they should be able to hang with my 100 watt heads but they just really never could at least in my loud metal band lol. I'm sure in a mellower scenario it would be fine. But I guess does (2) 50 watt setups equal (1) 100 watt setup in the perceived volume aspect? If in a perfect world all things in question were as identical as possible?

Let me give this possible scenario:
I have a mono/stereo 4x12 cabinet and I plug a Carvin DCM150 poweramp that has 75 watts a side in stereo or 150 watts in bridged mono mode into it.

TEST 1: I use the cab in stereo at 75watts on each side
TEST 2: I use the cab in mono at 150watts total

now I know the Ohms wouldn't be the same but lets say they were lol, would the perceived sound levels match?

First off most guys that run a 50 watt head are trying to get into the "sweet spot" sooner (poweramp distortion) I don't think it's really a volume thing at all.

To answer your first question... NO. Two 50 watt heads will not be any louder in precived volume and won't be equal to a 100 watt head. It may sound different tone wise but volume wise the 100 watt head will be louder by 3 db with the amp wide open. Example: if you have two 50 watt heads running through 2 412 cabs and ran 1 100 watt head through a 412 cab in the center and dimed the masters, the 100 watt head will still be louder. Will you here it maybe if you haven't gone deaf :lol:. Problem in doing this is you wipe out any clean headroom your amp might have and would more than likely be in full poweramp saturation depending on where you have the gain knobs but in this case volume is a function of power.

2nd question, Test #2 will be louder by 3 db and you will have better head room on the cleans. SS power is different from Tube power and usually requires 5 times the power to equal the output of a tube amp. 100 watts of tube power you need 500 watts of SS power. If you want to be ripping loud your gona need a few more SS watts.
If considering wattage as in a solid state power amp, and not from tube guitar amps, then two 2x12's can sound the same as an equally powered 4x12 provided the drivers and cabs are the same. But, speaker impedance can be an issue. For a simple example, a 4x12 cab loaded with 16 ohm drivers is pretty common. These often have switches for mono 4 ohm, mono 16 ohm, and stereo 8 ohm - the last equates to a dual 2x12 setup using the same 16 ohm drivers.

If you drive this type of cab with a SS power amp capable of 250w/ch @ 8 ohm in stereo mode, it should sound exactly the same if driven by an amp producing 500w/ch @4ohm into the same cab in mono mode (Disregarding stereo FX). I definitely agree that much more SS power is needed to achieve the tube-like dynamics of the AxeFX. I had a Carvin DCM150 and it was not enough for a typical 2x12 or 4x12, compared to real tube heads. I'm now running a Crown XTi 1000 and I'm very pleased with it.
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