1 Axe Fx 3 Turbo, Multiple instruments, midi preset change in Abelton question


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am new to Axe Fx and just bought a turbo to run 2 guitars and a bass. We use Abelton and I need help on how to assign Midi preset changes to multiple pre recorded guitar/bass tracks in Abelton. To be clear, I have a song that has 3 channels in Abelton (2 guitars/bass), and each channel has pre-recorded tracks. I would like to automate presets via midi to each instrument Track. I have scoured youtube but every video I have found was for a singular instrument in a live setting. Is this possible? Thank you guys so much in advance! :)
Only a single preset can be active at one time, so changing presets for multiple instruments will not work.
You can only load one preset at a time into an Axe-FX. So you'd need to assign your various combinations of the 3 signal paths within the context of a single preset. The best way to do that would depend on how many combinations of the 3 signal paths you need.
Thank you for the fast response. Ok how about scenes? Can I have 2 or 3 different scenes change on each channel?
That would be one way to do it. You could use channels within each signal path to specify the parameters you want, then use scenes to select them. There are 8 scenes, so you could get 8 combinations of up to 4 signal paths for each instrument. If you need more combinations, you'd need to use a preset for each signal path combination that you need.
Ok awesome!!! Now I just need to find a video showing how to change scenes on multiple tracks in an Abelton song vis one Axe FX. :laughing: New tech learning curve is fun. :sweatsmile:
You can't change scenes on each channel. Scenes affect the preset. Just like presets, only one can be active at a time.

Whatever audio is going through the unit may be affected by scene changes.

Not saying you can't change scenes so they only affect a given part of the signal chain, but those things aren't independent.

Be aware that all inputs are running under 1 preset and 1 scene, always.

Using the word channel here is potentially confusing the thing because "channels" have a specific meaning in the Axe Fx.

I believe by channel, you're meaning "track" or "audio signal" which you want to process separately in the Axe Fx.

It is possible but you have to be aware of how things work with regard to the audio inputs.
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