wish list

  1. N

    Wish Mono Input and Output left right block for easy dual S/R routing

    As in helix, having an output and input block that is mono, and is routed to the corresponding L/R input/output is really useful. For example if I want to implement two mono send and return block in my fractal fm3 using the output 2 and input 2 L/R at the moment is really difficult 1. I have...
  2. Replica

    Wish Modern Fuzzes

    I love the classic fuzzes in the Axe FX, but I'd love to see some of the more modern circuits emulated so I can shrink my board. There are no shortage of fuzz pedals out there, but I think these four are modern classics that would be particularly great, especially for those of us on the...
  3. Z

    FM3 Volume Modifier 'Operation' <== same as in the FX III

    My guitar is equippend with a piezo in addition to the magnetic PUs. The piezo has no volume control on the guitar. My preset: The FM-3 "In 1" is used for the magnetics to "Out 1". The FM-3 "In 2" is used for the piezo to "Out 1". I would like to use two VolPan blocks assigned to one...
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