
  1. D

    Unique drive -> amp pairings

    Sometimes I come across some really gorgeous pairings for amps and drive pedals that aren't the tried and true "Tube Screamer -> Twin Reverb", "Fulltone Full-Drive 2 -> Class-A" or "DS-1 -> Plexi". Here's a favourite of mine: Tube Drive 3-Knob -> Bludojai Clean Delightfully versatile, this...
  2. F

    Unique/psychedelic/experimental effects in the axefx

    What are some cool, crazy, sounds you've found in the axe-fx using modifiers, or paralell paths, or what have you, that you couldn't find anywhere else, or even ones that you could, but are still a little out-there? I've had my AxeFx II for around 4 or 5 months now, Heres a few I've found so...
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