uad apollo

  1. A

    Apollo x4 & AXE FX III Reamping Through SPDIF

    Hi Everyone New member of the Fractal family here as I made the plunge into an Axe Fx 3 a few months ago. Been having tons of fun. I've also been working on setting up a project home studio and finally got a quality interface; the Apollo x4 as I would eventually like to record, mix, and master...
  2. M

    FM 9 re-amping in ProTools with UAD Apollo

    So, my setup is a bit complicated. I'm using ProTools, and my main interface is an Apollo 8p. I'm trying to see if I can re-amp without having to switch to the FM 9 as my interface. The main reason for this, btw, is that when I tried to switch to the FM9 as the interface, I was having trouble...
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