prince tone

  1. Burgs

    Prince Tone. Preset. Demo vid.

    An ode to my favourite little clean Fender, the mighty Prince Tone. I use it often in my stage patches and love it. Give it a shot if you're so inclined. The video below runs through the different Scenes and will tell the story. You'll need FW. 23.05 or later to run it. Axe-Change d/l link...
  2. Burgs

    AFIII Tremolololos!

    This video delves into the FW 2.03 Tremolo/Panner. I've coupled it with a Prince Tone 5F2 and thrown in some reverbs and a little delay for fun. All of the sound examples here (8) are Scenes from just the one preset which can be downloaded from...
  3. Burgs

    AFIII Log On. Video demo and preset.

    I loved and still love this tune. Beautiful and simple melody from Messrs Plant and Blunt; made, if I'm not mistaken, with a 50's Strat, CE1, Princeton and some deft use of compression and reverb - which is what I've tried to recreate here. Have a crack at the preset and tweak to taste. Log on...
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