powerstage 700

  1. O

    Fm3 into powerstage 700 volume settings

    Last night at band practice I had to CRANK up the volume on my powerstage 700. Like 80% into a Mesa 4x12 8 ohm which feels wrong. I was worried about blowing the speakers in it. So my question is regarding output levels from output 2. Right now it is set to unity gain. Is that not correct? Do I...
  2. GodOfThunder

    Power Amp Advice, Please? - Updated, 4/21

    Hi all! I'm still learning to use the Axe FX the way it can be used in all the ways at home and out and have been trying different things to power it since I got it. I play through cabs, I haven't yet gotten used to a FRFR setup and may never desire that for my personal home sound anyway. I've...
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