output problem

  1. newmandaze

    Cab Lab audio settings problems...please help!

    Hey hows it going? So i got my dynacab pack on my main channel loaded finally in cab lab... When i run the audio test i can use the output tester and hear the test tone. i also have the cab bypassed to be able to try and hear my guitar...I also have it in SW Live Mode and mute is off... ultra...
  2. Kamelmat

    Logic X sends signal that cuts my output

    Hi everyone I tryed to find if someone had the same problem and didn’t find anyone. I open a project I was working on, on logic X. my AXE FX2 XL goes into a MOTU ULTRALITE MK3. I’ve been using it in several projects. All of a sudden, when I click on the GUITAR track, it KILLS all my AXE’s...
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