output levels

  1. DSebes

    USB output 5/6 (for dry signal) too quiet

    Playing through input 1 of my FM9 and recording via USB into Logic Pro, I have channels 1 and 2 set for my amped and effected tone and channels 5 and 6 for the dry signal to reamp later. My problem is that channels 5 and 6 have very low levels and I can't seem to make them louder without also...
  2. N

    FM3 Levels potmeters

    Hello all. New to this forum, and not an FM3 owner yet (but will very soon) I am seeking information regarding the output levels on the FM3, related to the levels pots on the unit. I am aware of the -10/+4 settings. So the question is this ... Are the LEVELS pots attenuators only, or is it...
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