neural dsp

  1. T

    Convince Me Not to Sell My Axefx

    I’ve had my Axefx for about two years now. At one point it was my live rig and now its my at home demoing rig. I find myself using like 10 of the 700+ presets and for the most part I’ve felt very uninspired by it. It’s so dry & for the purpose of demoing and writing it just isn’t inspiring...

    2018 Amp Sim Plugins: JST Misha Mansoor & Neural DSP Fortin Nameless

    If you haven't heard of these yet I'm not sure where you've been. :) YouTube has plenty of clips featuring both. My video pretty much covers it but to those who can't watch the video right now. There were two amp sim plugins released quite recently. One of them is the JST Misha Mansoor plugin...
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