lead boost

  1. sick pickle

    Input Boost - No increase in volume?

    On a preset, I have the input boost set to Control Switch 1. Scene 1 is a basic crunch. Scene 2 is a lead, where I am using that CS to engage the input boost. It is set as neutral. I am wildly turning the input boost level up to max and there is no discernable volume increase. That seems...
  2. M

    Help: Activating drive and filter block with the same foot press

    Hi, first, sorry about my english, is not my main language. I'm trying to activate in just one foot press a drive block (at the beginning of the chain) and a filter block (at the end of the chain, as a lead boost). FCB 1010 with eureka chip btw. The point is, in a clean/crunch tone, being able...
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