keyboard shortcut

  1. lukestringwalker

    Wish Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts

    A customizable keyboard shortcut feature would be nice, for example, I find myself often reverting a preset and the Shift+Command/Control(+Fn)+F12 shortcut is just not doing it for me. 😜 Having something like Command+R or Shift+Command+R instead would be nice.
  2. lukestringwalker

    Wish FM3-Edit on Mac: Redo Keyboard Shortcut

    Can we get CMD + Shift + Z for “Redo”? :relaxed:
  3. h.c.e.

    Implemented: Keyboard Shortcut to Move Up/Down One Preset

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but a search didn't turn up anything... Frequently when editing a preset I might place two copies next two each other so I can easily A/B changes, would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut (cmd/ctrl+up arrow and cmd/ctrl+down arrow immediately springs to...
  4. h.c.e.

    Implemented: Tab Key Moves Between Knobs

    Subject says it all. Would be great if tab key moved forward one knob on the current page, and shift+tab move backward one knob. If you're in enter mode and typing in a value, tab would both imply pressing enter and then hitting tab. FWIW, search did bring up an old thread requesting this...
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