jp2c and axe fx

  1. axes

    AFIII Axe-Fx III JP-2C vs real JP-2C

    1: 2: They are: EBMM Majesty into real Boogie JP-2C through Suhr RL going into Audient iD44 MKII and DAW (ML Mikko2 + delay). EBMM Majesty into Axe-Fx III, DI recorded via SPDIF then reamped via SPDIF and recorded via XLR into Audient iD44 MKII and DAW (ML Mikko2 + delay). But which is...
  2. axes

    Setting up midi with FC-12, Axe III, JP2C and Voodoo Lab HEX - new question

    Hi All, I need some of your experienced advices here about setting up midi with the devices in the title. I'm trying to set up a similar midi controlled rig to JP's actual rig with the main difference being that I'm trying to use my FC-12 (or more correctly, the Axe III via the FC-12) as the...
  3. Hyperion88

    MFC 101 and Mesa Boogie JP2C

    I am planning on buying the MFC 101 for my AXE FX, and I would like to know if the foot controller can be well integrated with a Mesa JP2C( trying to get one sometime in the end of the year). I think I read somewhere that the use of " scenes" is not possible with the JP2C but not sure if the...
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