
  1. X

    Watkins Copycat Echo

    Watkins Copycat Echo MkII Background: The echo is a tape Echo. It had one record head, three playback heads, and an erase head. It had variable motor speed, but I never adjusted this. It had four knobs but I can't remember what they were for. I tended to use buttons 1, and 1+3, and sometimes...
  2. V

    Unintended Chorus/Echo Sound

    Total noob here, so if there is a better place to post this please feel free to let me know. I've been messing with the AXE FX III on and off for a few months now and have created a custom "Ma, the Meatloaf" channel as well as regularly using the "Eruption" scenes as I work on learning this...
  3. Mincer

    Reverse Delay...sort of...possible?

    I am not talking about the audio coming out backwards with and no repeats (Belew-ish backwards guitar). What I would like to do is have regular forward delay, but the repeats start out quiet, and get progressively louder with each one. I don't want oscillation, but just for those repeats to stop...
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