
  1. Steve Lockridge

    All presets are distorted

    Newbie question. I just got my AX8 hooked up for the first time. I'm going out to a Focusrite 2i2 audio interface and using headphones. Every preset is distorted. Even the ultraclean sounds. I've adjusted the input levels and the Focusrite is not clipping. My guitar has active pickups but I...
  2. musicman0001

    Bug? Harsh Distorted Clipping Sound

    (Copy Paste from 2.01 Beta release forum) I played with Quantum 2.01 Beta2 and returned back to official release Q2.0 as I get some strange distorted like clipping like noise (not output clipping) especially at the low end range strings (Musicman Steve Morse Y2D in Eb, mainly noticable at the...
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