clean tone

  1. R

    Dialing in a good low-gain OD tone

    Hey everyone: I'm having some difficulty dialing in a good low-gain tone - something that's relatively clean when picking lightly but gets gritty when you dig in. I'm looking to emulate the tone in this video: I play a 1992 Pensa-Suhr with 2 Suhr Michael Landau single coils in the neck &...
  2. fuzzy.pinetree

    How do you get a good Jazz tone??

    I have no problem making slightly broken up tones, and crystal clean tones are easy, but how do you get that nice warm jazzy tone?? Any time I dial in a clean tone it feels "weak", like it's sterile and has no sustain no substance. So how do YOU go about dialing in a good jazz tone??
  3. diezel013

    Metallica JC-120 Clean Tone

    I've been cooking up some Metallica tones with the Axe FX III... This is my approximation of Metallica's clean tone. Hope ya dig it!!! Preset attached below! :)
  4. JeffNeiman

    Whale Songs

    Hey guys, so I was mucking around with some reverb and delays last night, and I found something interesting about a new clean patch I created. There are some harmonics and overtones shifting around and compounding each other, resulting in some quite pleasant 'whale-esque' vibes, when you pluck...
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