change preset

  1. TheTrooper

    Changing Presets on the AxeFx with Cubase (Connettivity and Parameters)?

    I know it's an already discussed topic, but I don't want to browse between 15 threads on 5 forums to get this sorted out; a sum up of what I need/need to set would be more accessible to anybody trying to do the same thing. :D I know I have to set a MIDI lane and pick the spots where I want the...
  2. h.c.e.

    Implemented: Keyboard Shortcut to Move Up/Down One Preset

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but a search didn't turn up anything... Frequently when editing a preset I might place two copies next two each other so I can easily A/B changes, would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut (cmd/ctrl+up arrow and cmd/ctrl+down arrow immediately springs to...
  3. P

    Using fcb1010 with axe fx ultra as looper

    When I record a loop I want to change presets and play a different sound over the loop. However, when I change presets the loop stops. Im using fcb1010 with uno and axe fx ultra. Ive set up the fcb so my top row are my looper functions , with rec set as a momentary switch(when I release it, it...
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