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  1. D

    Powering up with power conditioner?

    hey, this may sound like a stupid question but, do u guys with power conditioners plug them into surge protectors then the wall? Is this basically redundant?
  2. D

    Axe Solely as a Pre-amp?

    Hey thanks for the help guys! But I worded my question wrong, I was just using the triaxis as an example of a preamp in a similar price range (at least used) to the axe-fx. Really, Im most interested in a great clean sound like a strat straight into a vibrolux or other blackface. All other tones...
  3. D

    Axe Solely as a Pre-amp?

    Hey Guys! I know you've gotten similar questions to this before because ive spent a lot of time with the search function, but before i make the axe investment i really want a definitive answer to this question: How good is the axe-fx if it is run solely as a preamp? I've heard tons of great...
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