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  • Users: Gotti
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  1. Gotti

    Wow - it is badass - updated with better pix on 9/13/10

    Re: Wow - it is badass Congrats, Scott. You deserve it. Enjoy the ride! Hope mine comes soon under my foot :) Gotti
  2. Gotti

    Fast Metül/Strange Timesigs/weird Video FX

    Very very cool - the whole package was fun to listen & watch!
  3. Gotti

    Slow Texas Minor Blues - Strat & Dumble Sim

    Hi Andreas, i like it very much. ..smooth playing, great tone - ear candy 8-)
  4. Gotti

    Impro on a Satch backing track

    It was a pleasure to listen, especially the Gary-cover impressed me. Great tone, great playing :)
  5. Gotti

    Strat & Bogner with/without Wahwah (some wanking, too...)

    Hi, that sounds very good to me, great tone, fine played :) Gotti
  6. Gotti

    Bark At the Moon Clip

    ... as always :-) thumps up! I like it very much - great playing, cool tones, my cup of tea. I´m checking this forum regularly for some new samhill-stuff ;-) Greets from Germany Gotti
  7. Gotti

    List of drive models with pictures

    Thank you for doing/posting this ;)
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