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  1. Andy Gillion

    Flying with you Axe FX (I mean literally...)

    Sorry for bumping this thread but I was pointed to it as the holy grail of threads about taking your Axe FX on a plane and there is one option I'm not sure has been mentioned. I'm about to go on tour in Russia and will be checking my guitar in the hold. This leaves me with no checked baggage to...
  2. Andy Gillion

    D.I-ing Guitars with FX Loop

    Oh sweet jesus, no you were right! It's now working. The only reason I didn't think it worked was because as I turned up the knob I flicked to another patch. Hahah, man it's working this is hilarious. Thank god for this forum and thanks so much bro! Simplest fix ever, clearly I need to get some...
  3. Andy Gillion

    D.I-ing Guitars with FX Loop

    Man when I read this I burst out laughing with joy as I noticed my level was pretty low. But hasn't solved it. Turned it up to max and still nothing :(
  4. Andy Gillion

    D.I-ing Guitars with FX Loop

    Hey guys, I'm tearing my hair out here. I moved my entire set up to work on something in another place. I've come back and set everything back up (in my eyes exactly the way it was set up before). But now when I try to record D.I guitars I'm getting no signal from the Axe FX FX Loop? (Using an...
  5. Andy Gillion

    Small/Cheap MIDI Pedal for AXE-FX-II?

    Thanks so much guys. Whipped my sustain pedal out of my piano today and plugged it into the Axe FX. Had to go into the I/O settings as suggested - changed the Pedal Type to "Momentary", Preset Incr: On, then just set the preset start and end to the two patches I need. Now I just need to find a...
  6. Andy Gillion

    Small/Cheap MIDI Pedal for AXE-FX-II?

    Thanks guys, really helpful info. I'm just a bit confused - if a non midi switch is all I need does that mean I could use literally any old keyboard sustain pedal and somehow program it to switch between patches? The FCB1010 is definitely overkill for what I want and would be too big. I really...
  7. Andy Gillion

    Small/Cheap MIDI Pedal for AXE-FX-II?

    Hey guys, I'm touring quite a bit but have no way of switching between patches with my Axe FX II live. I recently played a gig and had to use my bandmate's older Axe FX Ultra as he has a tiny MIDI pedal that works with it to switch back and forth between two patches (alternating up and down)...
  8. Andy Gillion

    Previous Firmware

    Alright Kev? ;)
  9. Andy Gillion

    Previous Firmware

    You sir, are a legend!!
  10. Andy Gillion

    Previous Firmware

    Anyone know if there's an archive of all the old firmware online that I can download from? Just updated my Axe FX 2 to v19 and all my tones are totally different and I'm halfway through a project. Yes it was retarded. Any hope of finding a download for 16.03? Thanks!
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