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  1. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.01 Firmware Release

    thanx for all answers! just to make clear: i turn the knobs till it sounds good, 1.01 sits just fine with me, i was just wondering because i saw some posts citing no change/more highs in 1.01 than in 1.00 and i had just the opposite experience thats why i was asking! i really dig the tuner in...
  2. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.01 Firmware Release

    hi! yeah thats why i was wondering, i saw posts that shared your experience, tho, after ABing for a few days (ruling out ear fatigue) and it definitely is audible... reinstalled - same thing... am i missing something?
  3. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.01 Firmware Release

    hi! anyone else experience a tiny lil bit less highs in 1.01 than in 1.00? chris
  4. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.00 Firmware Release

    you should see my johnson..
  5. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.00 Firmware Release

    hi, that noticable volume drop when selecting the "ideal" preamp comp type is normal behavior I reckon? sounds fantastical btw! chris
  6. corpsetopheros

    What I finally learned about high gain tones...

    i had a similar experience lately just the other way round: my go-to amp for high gain stuff is the euro uber and i did like the sound, there was just a tad too much mids. dialing out the mids would make me vanish in the mix, but rolling down the MV from 5 to 4ish was the thing to do - lil less...
  7. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 19.01 Public Beta (1)

    thanx, rex, for the dephase explanation!
  8. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 19.01 Public Beta (1)

    hey guys, please help me out understanding the dephase thingy: shouldnt phase only be an issue if we use an IR captured with 2 different mics or 2 different IRs? or is the new features purpose to remove phase issues resulting from an improper capturing process (early reflections for example)...
  9. corpsetopheros

    New 18.00 Public Beta

    Hey there, for those who use the uber, default depth settings shifted from 7.50 in beta to 9.50 in beta 7... had to retweak a lil, but it sounds as good as it gets. charlie christian would ve loved the uber i reckon ;)
  10. corpsetopheros

    fw 18 public beta global block bug? [NOT A BUG]

    thanks! i realized that my b m t settings were translated to other presets, not so the advanced stuff. before i read your post i unlinked and relinked my presets and now it works flawlessly! thanks again, have a good one! chris
  11. corpsetopheros

    fw 18 public beta global block bug? [NOT A BUG]

    yek! thanks for lookin into this! yes, i am sure its the same instance and everything is a global block. i will give it another shot later and report back to you.
  12. corpsetopheros

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.00 Public Beta

    postet this in the bug section, but maybe its also suitable here : hi! <br /> while i was playing with fw 18 (and fw 18 was playing with my private parts) i noticed that when i store, my adjustments are not translated to other presets, i.e. global blocks dont seem to work. to be more specific...
  13. corpsetopheros

    fw 18 public beta global block bug? [NOT A BUG]

    hi! while i was playing with fw 18 (and fw 18 was playing with my private parts) i noticed that when i store, my adjustments are not translated to other presets. to be more specific, i am using the uber and i changed the low freq on the speaker tab and also the power amp hardness. can anyone...
  14. corpsetopheros

    How Does one become a Beta Tester for Fractal Audio?

    if there is an afterlife i definitely wanna spend it with bill hicks!
  15. corpsetopheros

    Anyone Want to Test This Beta Firmware

    hey there! having shot an ir i really like a while back, can i capture only the response of the power amp and then use it to compensate my old ir?
  16. corpsetopheros

    eminence p50e specs

    ladies! does anyone have specs about the p50 e ? did quite some searching on the net without results... i d be interested in the resonant frequency! have a good one, my fellow knobtwisters! chris
  17. corpsetopheros


    bump :)
  18. corpsetopheros

    cant backup bank A in 16.04

    oh man... thats a bummer! different computer? Another usb cable? different usb port maybe? does your axe reboot after the timeout!
  19. corpsetopheros

    cant backup bank A in 16.04

    just updated to 16.4.1. .. no more problems with backing up bank A! thanx fractal!
  20. corpsetopheros

    cant backup bank A in 16.04

    yep... tried several time, wont work exclusively with bank A, didnt change anything in the presets after installing the new firmware.
  21. corpsetopheros

    cant backup bank A in 16.04

    hi! just wanted to back up and while bank B, C, user cabs and system settings aint a problem, bank A goes to 100 percent and then says "message timeout" ... anyone an idea? thanks, chris
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