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  1. J

    Axe FX II XL locking up

    It happens with and without the Axe FX being connected via usb to a computer. I don't press a recall button while powering up. It is connected via cat5 cable to the MFC 101. It happens about 30 seconds to a minute after I power it on. If I turn the unit off and then on again it seems to work...
  2. J

    Axe FX II XL locking up

    I have had my Axe FX II XL about two months and the MFC 101 about a month. The Axe FX locks up about thirty seconds after I originally turn it on and produces a high pictch tone. If I turn it off and then back on again it will work fine. Any thoughts on what is going on?
  3. J

    Learning mode for an expression pedal

    I figured out how to solve all my problems trying to use the Ground Control Pro. I bought the MFC 1010. Problem Solved.
  4. J

    Learning mode for an expression pedal

    I am using two expression pedals with my Axe FX II XL. One is a regular volume pedal and the other is a slight boost pedal. I had everything set up the way I wanedt it and had the two pedals plugged into the back to the unit and they worked just the way I wanted them to. I then plugged one of...
  5. J

    Ground Control Pro with Axe FX II XL Help

    Just got my Axe FX II XL and I love it but I am very new to all this. I sold all my gear that I have been lugging around to gigs for years to make my life easier and so far it has. I am controlling it with a Ground Conrtoll Pro and have a quick question that I cant find the answer to or just...
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