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  1. D

    Fryette Power Station tube power amp

    That's exactly the info I was looking for. Thank you!
  2. D

    Fryette Power Station tube power amp

    Hi, Anybody knows if the power station can be used in a frfr setup? I have axe fx II and matrix fr212 cab (frfr cab), I was going to buy matrix gt1000fx but today I discovered the fryette power station and I'm really interested about it. Thank you
  3. D

    Atomic CLR vs FR212 vs Xitone? First post!!

    Hi, I just red it now, I don't know if you found the answer to your problem but is an easy solve. If you add in your chain the "fxloop" item, everything before it would be sent to "output 2" while the complete chain would still go out on "output 1" and usb. So just add fxloop before the cab...
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