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  1. proxmax

    Axe Edit problems and Windows 7 64 bit

    sorry when it is an old question. i can't run the Ultra with Windows 7 64 bit. the midi settings show me the used interface ESI Midimate II, but shows "not connected" by test connection. at an older Computer with Win XP prof. all works fine, but the computer is too slow. does the...
  2. proxmax

    Recommended USB Audio interface (windows 7)

    does it work with win7 64 bit?
  3. proxmax

    Loving the cleans, but most of the gain structures sound quite the same : Any advice?

    definately not! i got a Diezel Herbert and a Diezel Hagen at an Engl XXL 4x12 cab and they sound totally different. specially the new Hagen has another gain structure than the Herbert that is rounder and smoother. to my ears the gain structures in the axe sound the same. they just...
  4. proxmax

    the first Axe Fx question

    hi there, i'm new here! i'm klaus from bavaria/germany and bought recently an axe fx ultra. now the first question: does anyone know, if it is possible to simulate the feedback from the cab when the guitar is in certain position? can i get that at guitar - axe - headphones amp -...
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