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  1. 4

    Settings Help From 9.02 to 10.5

    Hey there, i experienced a similar issue when i updated to FW10 and took me a while to figure out. Have you tried turning up the Dynamic Presence in the basic amp parameters? This seems to have sorted the muddy-ness i was getting when i first updated.
  2. 4

    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    just out of curiosity are you using a PC? They guy i have been dealing with at the disti has advised that it could be a firmware issue also, but im not convinced. Its seems that this issue has only occurred with recent purchases of the device. If it was a firmware issue I would assume the...
  3. 4

    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    Unless Fractal recommend downgrading the firmware for this issue, i wouldn't risk it personally. Its 2k's worth of kit.. why would i put that in jeopardy??
  4. 4

    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    Email g66 to let them know... I am in the UK and received mine yesterday... they are being very helpful and have updated me with all progress they and Fractal have made... could potentially be a firmware issue.. Fingers Crossed it is and they can sort it ASAP.
  5. 4

    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    I have been advised by an IT expert that there is potential of it corrupting hardware further if you downgrade the firmware... I would advise against it personally... and badger the people you bought it from. I got mine from G66 and so far they have been very understanding and helpful. They...
  6. 4

    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    I have received mine today and experiencing the same issue. Seems to be a trend on this thread that people experiencing this problem have been receiving theirs around this March time, which is worrying. May I ask where you guys are from in the world? Im in the UK... ordered mine from G66 and...
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