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    Andy James - War March Cover

    peavey 5150 and marshall cab
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    Andy James - War March Cover

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    Antonio Vivaldi - Summer Cover

    by the way ;-) my band's Music Video came out Today: Farewell To Arms - [HQ] Scarless (Official Musicvideo) | Massacre Records - YouTube
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    Antonio Vivaldi - Summer Cover

    Antonio Vivaldi - Summer Cover JD (HD) - YouTube
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    Tone Matches for Standand/Ultra

    this haunted shores tone would be awesome: Mark Holcomb - Haunted Shores: Masterclass 1 of 2 - YouTube
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    Escape The Fate - This War Is Ours Cover JD

    Escape The Fate - This War Is Ours Cover JD - YouTube
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    Haunted Shores???

    awesome man, helped me a lot i never tried these equalizers cos i didnt know much about them but this is also an inspiration thank you :D now i can tweak by myself
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    Haunted Shores???

    cool and what about mark holcombs gain settings, what would you say?
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    Haunted Shores???

    which cab would you recommend?
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    Haunted Shores???

    allright, helped allot. i used now: Tube Drive Peadl - 5150 Head - Brit 800 Cabinet what do you say?
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    Haunted Shores???

    ha, great thanks for asking
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    Haunted Shores???

    yeah would be awesome, thanks mate
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    Haunted Shores???

    this is what i reached so far ... suggestions welcome ;)
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    Haunted Shores???

    i play trough a orange ppc 212 and a ibanez with emg 81/85 pickups the problem with the fusion amp is that its not crunchy enough, awwwww -_-
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    Haunted Shores???

    i dont know but i didnt get this warm but crunchy sound :| tried so much and nothing works, the closest i come to this tone was with a fusion amp but not close enough -_-
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    Haunted Shores???

    I need this sound: Mark Holcomb - Haunted Shores: Masterclass 1 of 2 - YouTube can someone help me pleaseeee :roll
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    Full song with Recto New/redwirez Marshall G12 cab

    me too, want this patch so badly!!! :cry
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