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  1. F

    Tuner Still Not Working With MFC

    Hi I have a similar issue: pressing AI 17 on the MFC brings up the "waiting for tuner" message on the MFC, but nothing at all happens on the LCD for the AxeII. Did triple check that I/O MIDI is set to realtime sysex ALL - but still not working. I have the most recent firmware for the MFC and...
  2. F

    I successfully upgraded to 6.0, as verified in the utility window of the AXE FX II. However, the...

    I successfully upgraded to 6.0, as verified in the utility window of the AXE FX II. However, the revised preset list is not reflected when the AXE or MFC s in use - it still shows al the previous presets for banks A, B and C. How do zi get the newer prestes to activate and overrwrite the older...
  3. F

    MFC 101, AXE 2 and Axe Edit not communicating well

    I'm having exactly the same problems and questions that krassid would like addressed - and one other that maybe some of you can help we with: I do have the AXE EDit software partially working - it does change the main AXE FX unit when scrolling up / down through presets. However, in the Axe Edit...
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