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    Original Prog Metal tune using Cameron Ch 2 model only "Resurrection Mary"

    Eric... What to say? This is world class my friend. Did Mr Danzi mix/master this? Fuggin killer in every respect. The longest thing you've ever "posted". I, as I'm sure just about every other musician whom has ever hear d you music is looking forward to more.
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    ART X-15 Ultrafoot MIDI Foot Controller

    Just picked an x-15 up for $60. What a bargain this thing is... Not a big fan of the rubber switches though. Anyone trying changing them out for the steel FS buttons?
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    The Meshuggah Signature series

    29.4" scale? Owch!
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    TODAY feels like "VERY SOON" to me

    It's been the 23'rd here in Australia all day! ;) Will 6.0 fix the issue with screen freeze when using with USB?
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    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    Tried the firmware update - issue still continues. Assuming Fractal are busy busy with troubleshooting this issue, and fix will be available soon.
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    Bug? Screen freeze on Axe II with USB

    Received my Axe II today, and experienced same issue running USB. Sound and functionality continue - but screen freezes. Running 5.06... Will try 5.07 and see if it fixes the issue.
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