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  1. Guitarwiz2k

    Harmony Key Change on the Fly

    I'd love it if the harmonizer was able to work much like the Digitech Harmonizer, where I'd hit a button, and play or exagerate the note of the key I'm currently in, and it learns the key; then when I'm ready to kick in harmonies, the key is already selected, then if I change presets and come...
  2. Guitarwiz2k

    Harmony Key Change on the Fly

    I'd love it if the harmonizer was able to work much like the Digitech Harmonizer, where I'd hit a button, and play or exagerate the note of the key I'm currently in, and it learns the key; then when I'm ready to kick in harmonies, the key is already selected, then if I change presets and come...
  3. Guitarwiz2k

    AXE-FX Standard Midi THRU

    AXE-FX Standard Midi THRU HELP! Is the the socket on the standard active? I'd like to pass messages from my axe-fx to my jmp1, but don't seem to be having any luck? HELP!!! Does the A-FX Relay midi messages?
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