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  1. O

    Cable's length and capacitance

    Hello, I want to buy FM3 and try it in a new setup in my amp’s fx loop. Do you know if the cable's length matters when I use FM3? I want to use 2x 10 feet cables. I know the longer the cable, the more capacitance I add to the signal chain. Which results in slightly lower signal, less treble...
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    2 amps with Axe Fx

    Hello :), I split my guitar signal to two amps and want to put Axe Fx II in their fx loops. How can I connect it? Cheers, Matt
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    FM3 with amp - cable's length / buffer

    Hello, I'm considering getting FM3 and using it in my amp's fx loop. However I'm wondering if does it have any built-in buffer in order to compensate for cable's length? I'm going to use two 3 meter (9 feet) cables or longer. Will there be any tone loss? Or maybe is it better to use Axe Fx 3 in...
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    SDE-3000 delay on Axe-Fx

    Hey guys is there a way to make authentic sde3000 delay/chorus sound on either axe fx II or III?
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    USB 3.0 - works or not?

    great, thank u! have a nice day
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    USB 3.0 - works or not?

    Hello, does axe fx 2 and 3 work with usb 3.0? Thanks!
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    USB Driver Win 10 - No Device

    I've uninstalled and installed the driver about 10 times, restarted computer, delated from registry all registers with phrase "fractal", still the same :(
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    USB Driver Win 10 - No Device

    Hi guys, I've got some problem, my Win 10 doesn't see Axe. The newest usb driver is installed and the previous ones are uninstalled from the control panel. Have any idea what's going on? Didn't have this problem with previous usb driver versions.
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    Amp Block - turn off preamp simulation

    Thx, That would be usefull option, I wanted to try stereo rig with tube amp and axe power amp simulation. Hope they would consider this option in future, my line 6 pod xt had it.
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    Amp Block - turn off preamp simulation

    Hi, Could you please tell me if is there a way to do it, to turn OFF preamp simulation and leave just a power amp simulation ON? Thx! Matt
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    2 x 4CM with one Axe Fx II

    Hi guys, Is it possible to run 2 amps with 4CM with one Axe Fx II unit? Or do I need some additional gear to run it that way? Cheers, Matt
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    Neutral Tube Poweramp for Axe

    I just like the feeling of tubes. I have already matrix1000gt and I really like it but want to try tubes also. I have been playing axe with atomic reactor 50 wedge some time ago and I liked tubes in power section, although I prefer real guitar speakers / matrix fr212 speakers. I will try to...
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    Neutral Tube Poweramp for Axe

    Hi, I,m looking for a neutral tube poweramp for Axe. Could you suggest some good choices? Atomic 50/50 stereo seems to be great, but it's no longer in production :(. Anything similar? Thx :)
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    FCB1010 - "rapid" wah changes

    I have the same issue with all types of wah. Changing the "damping" helped a little, thx :). I will experiment more with that
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    FCB1010 - "rapid" wah changes

    Hi fractal people :) I have some problems with controling wah-wah with fcb1010 when I use it's pedals... the changes are very rapid, it just change very fast from 0%-100% and from 100%-0%. Is it possible to make the changes smoother? Thx in advance :).
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    Matrix q12 or fr212

    I like the idea of simulating cab on frfr but I also understand the point of playing on real cab. Anyway, thx for replies...
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    Matrix q12 or fr212

    Hi fractal people. I'm looking for a speaker for my axe fx + matrix gt1000. I'm considering matrix q12 or fr212. I see in specs that they have different drivers, q12 has coaxial and fr212 neodymium. I'm just curious if are there any noticable sonic differences between these two products? I mean...
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    Matrix FR212 - 16 ohm

    Hm... that's what I thought... Thx, bro
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    Matrix FR212 - 16 ohm

    Hi fractal people. I'm going to buy used Matrix FR212 but in 16 ohm insted of 4 ohm. I was told that the change was done in the past by Matrix for Kempler amplifiers. Do You think will be there any sonic change or change in volume between 4 ohm and 16 ohm cabs? I'm going to use it with...
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    Gator Rack Bag Dimensions for Axe II

    But do You have GR (smaller) version or GRB (bigger)? I've found contradicory informations about Axe II and GR. There are people who say that Axe II fits it barely and other people say that it doesn't :O.
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    Gator Rack Bag Dimensions for Axe II

    Hi guitarheads :). I'm considering Gator GR-RACKBAG-2UW for Axe II. The interior depth is 318 mm and my Axe is 325 mm. I've found on this forum that some of You guys use this gator rack bags with Axe II but... it seems to small for Axe, isn't it? Does anybody have an experience with this rack...
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    Error Cabs? 9.02?

    Hi something happened to my cabs. It may be since I upgraded Axe to 9.02. Any ideas what's going on?
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    Does Matrix GT1000FX + Axe punch kick?

    Hi. I play in rock band and I'm lookin for power amp for Axe II. I've been thinking about Matrix. Does it have kick/punch like the tube power amp or will I loose it using solid state?
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