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  1. P

    About to buy... Atomic questions... why tubes ?

    Thank you everyone for your answers, ideas and knowledge, based or not on actual experience on the products. What I feel on my side is that : 1) A tube system when not built in USA may be cost effective. Look at ceriatone stuff. Great sounding tubes gear. Not so expensive. 2) Tubes have Mojo...
  2. P

    About to buy... Atomic questions... why tubes ?

    I understand that. Tubes ans SS are totally different regarding circuit designs. Anyway solid state was invented in late 1940's... And there was enough time to improve them and to create ideal flat response devices with them with more watts and less weight. Maybe is there other reasons ? I...
  3. P

    About to buy... Atomic questions... why tubes ?

    Hi there ! I'm new to this world and about to order the AxeFx Ultra I'm consideing to buy an atomic amp also. I dig the concept and I trust the design persons but I haven't tried it yet. Here's my question : Why is it tube based ? Normally the Axe Fx is aimed at creating tubes-amplified guitar...
  4. P

    Help...Before I Buy...

    Hi there! I'm new to this world and I'm about to order the Axe Fx Ultra. I'm considering using it with very different kinds of guitars. Some have EMG active pickups. I'd like to know if the axe fx handle correctly all kind of pickups and / or if there is a mean to adapt to all the difference...
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