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  1. Y

    Velocity 300 in stereo with 2 cabs

    Thank you BBN! I will give it a try when I receive my amp. Many thanks again! Youri Lévesque
  2. Y

    Review: Rocktron Velocity 300 new version...

    Thank you BBN and Mister.friendly for your answers. I think I will leave it as is. So if I get it right, you recommand me to plug my 2 2X12 cabs in the Velocity's ch2 outputs (nothing in ch1) in order to have 300 watts only on channel 2, am I right? The input #1 on the rear panel is labeled...
  3. Y

    Velocity 300 in stereo with 2 cabs

    Thank you BBN and Mister.friendly for your answers. I think I will leave it as is. So if I get it right, you recommand me to plug my 2 2X12 cabs in the Velocity's ch2 outputs and nothing in ch1. Am I right? The input #1 on the rear panel is labeled 'chanel1 Mono Bridged'. Should I have to...
  4. Y

    Review: Rocktron Velocity 300 new version...

    Hello Everyone! A MEGA THANKS to all of you guys for your experience and knowledge sharing! I was thinking of purchasing a V300 but had to read reviews because I was hesitating between the V300 and the SLA-2. My choise is made, guided by your precious comments. I have a question tough: I play...
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