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  1. D

    USB output level Question

    So i just raise the levels on the patch there is no assigned level for USB. Thnks
  2. D

    USB output level Question

    Hi Started to mess around with the new toy today tried recording via USB, which works however the levels are to low. I am not getting the levels over maybe a 3rd on the level indicator. All out knobs on the axe are at max. Help :) Thanks
  3. D

    Driving to get the Axe FX 2

    thats a little much.
  4. D

    Am I alone in keeping the Ultra????

    I thought about selling it and listed it for a fair price i believe. 1.5K than the same vultures who would have killed for a 1.5K axe ultra 2 month ago told me that its not really worth it and the new one is so much better BUT they would do me a favor and take it off my hands for 1.2K :)...
  5. D

    Help me record please

    yes it does same for mic, all changes all bad :)
  6. D

    Help me record please

    Thanks Guys Preamp sims are on, only thing i have turned off are the cab sims as i play through the 4x12. Turned them on for recording. Added a cab to the patch. If the out on the axe are too high should the apogee not be in the reds ? I keep it mostly in the greens/yellows. what i hear...
  7. D

    Help me record please

    Hi I have the Axe Ultra for some time now and play it through and SLA2 and a Marshall 4x12. cab sims are globally off. I have not fiddled around with a lot of the internals, usually just play the factory patches and all is well. Now i tried for the first time to record something and...
  8. D

    Help me like my ultra

    Thanks for all suggestions, i am using a brand new set of monster cables.
  9. D

    Help me like my ultra

    Hi i read most parts of the manual. What can there be wrong with setup? Its the axe in a SLA in a 4x12 I tried the new software update, not much difference, i tried the Marshall Plexi today and it literally sounds like a blanket over the cab even with the BBE at 7. Not able to get any treble...
  10. D

    Help me like my ultra

    That would only work if i mike the cab. Not sure if i can but will most certainly try. What is the difference between plugging in the front versus back ?
  11. D

    Help me like my ultra

    Recordings sound fine. Not sure if they had been processed in any way though. The ears are ok :)
  12. D

    Help me like my ultra

    :) not sure how serious i was about the excessive loud music. As i said i am perfectly fine with my JVM and MarkV with the treble at noon. So i don't think its all the ears. What else could it be ? The Sla ?
  13. D

    Help me like my ultra

    I mentioned above i am running in into a marshall cab and the sims are off. Thanks, and yes i am in NJ
  14. D

    Help me like my ultra

    Ask away All works well when i use the the cab with my heads and i like the sound of my JVM alot. I would rule the cab out. Treble on my tube amps is always around noon. For the axe i bought a bunch of monster cables. Should be alright. I am running the global EQ flat. Guitars connected are...
  15. D

    Help me like my ultra

    will run the update tonight, not sure if thats all it takes.
  16. D

    Help me like my ultra

    Hi, i have the ultra now since a couple of month, maybe 3 and i don't really use it because i really don't like it all that much. It might be my ears after all those years of excessive loud music but it sounds really muffled to me and without my BBE 482 i would have sold the ultra already. And...
  17. D

    Need some help, not happy with tone

    Did that. Globally all cab sims are off. Or bypassed if i remember right?
  18. D

    Need some help, not happy with tone

    Hello new guy here. Am tinkering around with my ultra for a couple weeks now. Based on what i read here i bought an ART SLA200, playing through a marshall 4x12 cab with greenbacks. The high gain patches sound rather lifeless and dull, and everything is very "dark". In my view unusable without...
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