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  1. W

    Trouble getting full range of expression pedal

    Hi Scott. Thank you for your help. The thing is, or was, that the only reason i plugged in to the Axe Fx was to confirm that the pedals worked as they should. So I'm sorry if I was'nt clear but: I've tried calibrating it in the MFC and followed the steps from the manual. I'm a RTFM-kind of...
  2. W

    Trouble getting full range of expression pedal

    Everything in my previous post regarding how it works in the Axe Fx was just to clarify that it works just fine and dandy in the Axe Fx pedal jacks and not so much in the MFC expression jacks. The pedals work with the MFC, I can't calibrate them though, and I only get about 80% of the pedals...
  3. W

    Trouble getting full range of expression pedal

    Yep. I have read, and re-read and tried and tried again...well you get the picture. I could swear I read something about a flashing red led somewhere, but nevermind. I don't get any readout at all, it just stays at 000 or 127. Works like a charm in the Axe Fx though, just not in the MFC. I...
  4. W

    Trouble getting full range of expression pedal

    Now I've tried to use both the Roland FV-50H and an expression pedal I've built using a linear pot in an old Cry Baby housing. Both work fine when connected to the Pedal jacks at the back of the Axe Fx, both have the same issues when going in to the MFC. It's driving me crazy. One thing...
  5. W


    You can use a filter block. Put it at the end of the chain if you want a volume boost. Just set the filter type to null and set the level at the amount of boost you want. Bypass the filter block and save. Then assign an Ia to the same CC as the filter block.
  6. W

    Has anyone in Europe got the MFC yet ........

    Got mine last week. It's the hands down best midi controller ever. The perfect tool for the axe. And strangely enough what I needed to actually start using my Ultra. Before, with my FCB1010 I never bothered to construct patches with a bunch of Ia's. But now I have enough switches (well not...
  7. W

    question for those who bought from g66

    10 Euros for Sweden
  8. W

    Trouble getting full range of expression pedal

    Hi! Hoping someone can help me with this. I hooked up a Roland FV-50H to the MFC and calibrated it in the Edit/Midi/EXP-section. It seemed to work just fine, but the i noticed that I only got from 0% up to about 80% of the range of motion in the Axe FX-window. I tried to re-calibrate and even...
  9. W

    Has anyone in Europe got the MFC yet ........

    Oh sorry I forgot. I'm not entirely sure but I think I registered in October -09, around the same time I bought my Ultra.
  10. W

    Has anyone in Europe got the MFC yet ........

    Got the "your MFC is ready"-e-mail today. Paid instantly and hopefully it will ship tomorrow.
  11. W

    Labels and Template for MFC-101 HERE!

    Nice! Thank you!
  12. W

    MFC 101 - Overly Bright LED's?

    No Worries, I would be glad to exchange it for my Behringer FCB1010. Free of charge, of course! :mrgreen:
  13. W

    Preset 3 overwrite 4??

    Seven minutes of panic? :lol:
  14. W

    New here, and spotted an Axe-Fx

    Jag som trodde att jag var skyldig. :lol: Good for you! I now that you will love the Axe and make some great noice with it. Did you go for the Ultra or the Standard? //Oscar
  15. W

    Fractal Audio welcomes John Petrucci

  16. W

    New Axe Fx owner - Youtube clip...

    Nice Tonez, Ola! Tycker dock att 34-36% fler transienter hade behövts för att matcha en Single Rectifier....... :mrgreen:
  17. W

    My next hurdle with the FCB101

    Have you assigned the CC (#6) in the FCB? Or are you just using button number 6?
  18. W

    Varied Tremolo

    Thanks a bunch! I will try this as soon as i get the chance! Maybe there should be a "fixed feature" with a couple of different rhytms in the tremolo anyways though?
  19. W

    Varied Tremolo

    Hi! I can only think of one feature I'm missing on the Axe, and that is a tremolo with varied waves. I only know the Cusack Tap-a-whirl to have this and I think it's a wonderful effect. It's kind of hard to describe what it does, other than that you get a rythmic tremolo effect, so I'm...
  20. W

    FBT Verve 12ma question

    Yeah, as do I. But when running to FOH during gigs it would be kind of a hazzle to change the EQ settings on every patch I use. Anyways; I think I'm set for now. Thanks for the reply.
  21. W

    FBT Verve 12ma question

    Ok. I do to. I guess I have to work with the global EQ-settings if the sounds are a little "spiky" or "bassy" when running to FOH. I guess most FRFR-units have their own EQ and not exactly flat response...
  22. W

    FBT Verve 12ma question

    Hi! Just got my Verve and I can't quite decide where I should set the High and Low at. I don't have any other FRFR's to compare it with and I'm not sure if it's "bassy" or "trebly". Some of my old presets seems to have too much highs, and others too much lows. So where do you other users set...
  23. W

    MFC101 Midi Controller: WISH!!!

    I'll bet the Loch Ness Monst....ergh The MFC will be out in January. Just my gut feeling. It should be in production by now, right? Seeing as it was shown at a guitar show some months ago. If I was Cliff I would make sure to produce a quite large quantity before releasing it. And the units are...
  24. W

    Hook up the computer to the Ultra help.

    (Sorry for the fellow readers, but I'll take this one in Swedish. It seems rediculous not to) Tjenare. Vad behöver du hjälp med? Jag bor i göteborg för övrigt. I majorna och har också en Ultra. Vad har du för ljudkort/interface. Om du vill så kan du maila mig på oscar[snabela] //Oscar
  25. W

    short pitch shifting/delay clip

    I'd like that patch please! :)
  26. W

    Yet another FRFR question

    Thanks for the reply. It makes me feel more at ease with going with FR. On the other hand I bet I get better tones going direct anyway. With a mic'd up amp+cab the soundguys seem to always find new ways to mess up my tone. :mrgreen: So I bet it will be much better going direct to FOH. I'll...
  27. W

    Yet another FRFR question

    Yeah I can see that working for some people, but I'm after the easiest way to do things. Is someone here using the Verve 12ma for rehearsals and live and using "studio monitors" and headphones at home? I still like to know how well the presets translate between the different setups.
  28. W

    Updating Firmware with Midisport 2x2???

    Make sure to have the button that says USB/Bypass (I think) pushed in. Another thing I noticed when I downloaded the drivers was that I had to install it two or three times before it would work. With the CD it worked right away on my other computer. Another issue I hade was with a faulty midi...
  29. W

    Yet another FRFR question

    Yes, cab sims and power amp sims on at home and off during rehearsal.
  30. W

    Yet another FRFR question

    So....I'm thinking about getting a FRFR setup for the Axe. I've been reading great things about the FBT Verve 12ma's and 8ma's and I think I'll be going with one of the two. I still have one question though; Now I'm running through a valve power amp and a standard guitar cab at rehearsal. At...
  31. W

    what is your usual delay stuff for solos?

    I use a couple of different setting for solo's. I sometimes use a mono delay at about 500ms, low repeats 9-15% and mix around 15% Other times I use dual delay at 500ms and 350 ms, roughly the same settings on feedback and mix. Most of the time I have a little treble roll-off on the repeats...
  32. W

    First day with the Ultra

    Thanks for the input! I've been thinking quite hard about this today and I'm pretty confident that I'll have a go at one fratomic to start out with. I might get another one later, but for now I don't plan on running stereo and it's kind of a lot of money for two right now. Reasons for Atomic...
  33. W

    First day with the Ultra

    So..... I ran it through my bands PA today. Or rather it went through a single RCF Art series powered monitor. And the factory presets still pretty much sucked. Having learned that lesson though I went ahead and made a couple presets from scratch and it sounded pretty good. I had to roll off a...
  34. W

    First day with the Ultra

    That's for sure, crap in the signal chain means crap out. It's gonna be an expensive story for me, this. Now I need to buy new monitors, headphone amp, FRFR's and the MFC101 and and and.... :D But then again, I would probably spend more on pedals, amps, cabs etc. anyway. :lol: It still...
  35. W

    First day with the Ultra

    Well I guess me not getting blown away is a story with a couple of different sides to it: 1. My speakers at home aren't exactly professional. :D I run the computer through a small home entertainment system. 2. My headphones kinda suck. I really need to get better ones. 3. Lack of a...
  36. W

    First day with the Ultra

    Hi! Yesterday I picked up my Ultra from the postoffice. Went straight home, made dinner for my daughter then plugged it in to my computer. I can't say I was very impressed. Sure it sounded fine and nice and everything. It even sounded better than my Boss GT-8 I sold a couple of weeks ago. But...
  37. W

    Help a newb install firmware PLEASE!

    Sorry for hijacking the thread! Hi guys! Just got my Ultra today. I bought it used and with an older firmware. I tried updating it to 8.09, but after the process, the axe turns off and then on again. It still reads Version 8.02 on the Axe. Any ideas of what can be wrong? Thanks, Oscar
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