Search results for query: *

  1. A

    How do you create a preset??????

    Thanks stratamania - that was really useful!
  2. A

    How do you create a preset??????

    Well, I've looked in both those places before and can't get anything to work. Can anyone spell it out to a thicko like me? I just want a connector from the input running across several empty boxes that I can fill with stuff. The instructions just seem to mention the enter key all the time but...
  3. A

    How do you create a preset??????

    I'm OK with changing presets, but can't create one from scratch. Problem: how do you join the flippin component boxes together!?!?!? I can't find any info anywhere n the internet and it's been driving me up the wall!
  4. A

    the manual is a bit heavy going!

    Thanks all!
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    the manual is a bit heavy going!

    Standard newb here. Having a lot of fun already, but to be honest, the manual is your typical straight-laced dot the i's and cross the t's thing and not all that user friendly. Are there any online resources out there that go through the basics and beyond in a more intuitive fashion?
  6. A

    reset frustration!!!!!!!!

    OK, newb here. Just picked up a 2nd hand Standard. I'm trying to reset absolutely everything to original and it's been driving me up the wall for hours! Where's the darned information!!!!!!!!! I've been all over the net getting totally frustrated. Nowhere seems to spell it out, it's just...
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