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  • Users: kdall
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  1. K

    To anyone else who also just received their Axe-Fx II ... how is your fan noise?

    I agree with you Grape. I also see where Scott is coming from. It's true that compared to the deaths of friends or family, the issue of fan noise is insignificant. However, this thread isn't about people dying in tragic circumstances. Discussing the Axe II is also insignificant compared to...
  2. K

    6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

    "Fractal never came anywhere close to promising 100 units a day. In fact, they've made no PROMISES at all really. They're doing their best and they've hinted at and suggested some things, but that's not one of them. It's probably more like somewhere between 10 - 30 units a day. And even that...
  3. K

    6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

    Thank you Or8ital for posting this thread. Like many others, I came to the forum specifically looking for this information. Who wants to waste time clicking if the units have been sold out for the day? The wait during the production of the Axe-Fx II wasn't a problem for me. I admit that...
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