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  • Users: JoeM.
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  1. J

    Problem updating MFC

    I was experiencing the same thing while trying to update my MFC-101 yesterday. However, I re-installed the Windows driver and it worked.
  2. J

    Possible Axe FX 2 XL volume fading issues

    I have the MFC-101 foot controller and the firmware is the one before 15. The unit is 3 weeks old.
  3. J

    Possible Axe FX 2 XL volume fading issues

    I am not sure if this is the proper place to start a thread for this since there are no technical forums dealing with issues users might be experiencing but I figured I would give it a go anyways. I noticed drops in volume and back again when using my brand new Axe FX 2 XL unit but let me...
  4. J

    New Axe FX II XL and Mark IV setup

    I tried last night running the cab and power amp sims off/on and noticed the sound disparity. It kind of threw me at first because the cab/power amp sims raise the sound level of my amp a lot and changes the tone significantly. I liked it with the highs/midrange levels but not with the lows. I...
  5. J

    New Axe FX II XL and Mark IV setup

    Funny you mention that. I was reading the PDF owners manual and did not do that yet. I was so excited when I got it the past few days that I bypassed reading the manual thoroughly. I will do that either tonight or tomorrow night and post my findings. Thank you for the input.
  6. J

    New Axe FX II XL and Mark IV setup

    I have mine setup so far (because haven't had much time to fiddle around with it) with the 4 cable method. I have a 4x12 cab with Blackshadow speakers. I did notice though that through my Mark IV head as power amp that the settings for distortion seems to have a lot of bass to them (almost too...
  7. J

    New Axe FX II XL and Mark IV setup

    Hi John. Thanks for the info. I was curious about studio monitors. Can you hook up the FX 2 straight to studio monitors with no other equipment? I seen other players using monitors but was not sure how it worked. Clearly I have a lot of experimenting to do and find your suggestions helpful...
  8. J

    New Axe FX II XL and Mark IV setup

    Thank you guys for your great responses. I do appreciate the insightful information.
  9. J

    New Axe FX II XL and Mark IV setup

    Hi Friends. My Axe FX II is expected to be delivered on Friday and I wanted to ask for recommendations on an optimal setup using a Mark IV amp. While I love my Mark IV I wanted to also be able to explore the cab presets in the FX II and fiddle around with them. I was wondering if I should...
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