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  • Hi @AlGrenadine ,

    I have the FM9T and I downloaded fractool to move my axe 2 presets over.
    It doesn’t work. Is this something that will get updated or is it a lost cause trying to convert axe 2 presets to fm9

    I realize a lot of the controls have changed from axe2 to fm9/axe3

    Just curious. I appreciate it brother.

    Sam L
    Bonjour je ne pense pas me tromper en écrivant en Français. Je suis un fervant utilisateur de Fractal et notamment Fractool. Un grand merci pour ce formidable outil quasi indispensable. J’aurais qlq questions sur les conversions de preset entre machine. Je me suis inscrit sur le forum français également. Je serait ravi de pouvoir échanger à ce sujet. Thanks
    Merci beaucoup
    Envoie-moi un mp si tu as des questions
    Good morning I’m thinking of switching from my Axefx to Helix, midi options and it being a interface and routing options

    Would the RAC12 work with the Helix ? Regards
    Hello Al, i¨m a macos 10.8.5 user, and also an Axe XL+ with ares 2.0.
    I have got an Ax8 preset and i would like to convert. So, i was trying to instal Fractool but i can´t get it.
    Do i making something wrong, could you help me?

    Thank you very much in advance and sorry for my english ^^
    So, excuse me, i already read the last comment below. Ok, i understand that i need 10.10+ at least....
    Thank you anyway. Kind regrds
    Dear Al
    I can't make FracTool open on my MBP - 10.9.5 - it immediately crashes..
    Did i get the right version..?
    Kind regards
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    Reactions: AlGrenadine
    Hi, i don't know
    Latest is always on the axefx archive
    It's requiring 10.10+, so that's why it crashed.
    10.9 is very old
    Hi Al is it possible to convert presets for Axe-FX III and make them compatible for AX8 with Fractool ?
    Thank you in advance
    No, only the other way : AX8/FX8/AxeFx II => AxeFx III
    Greetings, Al! On FracPad III, I notice that the MD-BT01 says it is not fully functioning. May I ask what aspect(s) will not work?
    Thanks :)
    Preset send to III doesn't work, maybe it will if yamaha releases a new firmware
    Also don't expect to have quick vumeters using bt connection ^^
    Salut "Al",
    Je suis Laurent, guitariste utilisateur de Fractal et informaticien.
    Je me permets de te contacter car il me manque des utilitaires pour gérer mes presets (AX8 actuellement).
    Du coup, je recherche les specs des fichiers .syx des presets AX8. J'ai cherché sur le forum et posé la question mais sans succès.
    J'imagine que tu as ça. Pourrais tu les partager stp? Est ce que Fractool est open source?

    Got a strange one happening with Fractool.
    Whenever I close Fractool it kills the output on my AxeFX III and I have to power cycle to get output back. Just seemsd to have started recently.
    Any ideas?

    Keep up the great work by the way Fractool is an awesome peice of work \m/
    Hi. Love the new III Conversion. It's dead on converting my II patches. The only issue I found is the "tremelo block" gets converted as "enabled" ( I had it default to Disabled in my patches). Other than that this thing is a fantastic resource...and well work my donation. Thx. Alan Vance
    Hi Alex,

    I bought a Rac12 MKII from a friend. He has emailed firmware for the editor but it's for Windows, I have a Mac. I searched for the firmware but I can't find it. Can you help me?
    I'm also searching the firmware for the presets made with an XL/+ so that I can import them with my Axe FXII MKI
    Thanks a lot,
    I will give you my email,
    Greetings, Chris
    Chris Verstappen
    Chris Verstappen
    Thx a lot, my second question, when I import presets made with an XL or XL +, they will not work. You have made something that those presets works with MKI and MKII.
    Yes, use FracTool to convert
    I acquired a RAC12 however I love being able to select my presets using my phone or iPad over bluetooth with the yamaha adapter. Do you know if I could use something like Midi Solutions Midi Merger to plug the out from the RAC12 as well as the out of the yamaha adapter so i can use both at the same time.
    Hi Al,
    Hope your having a great day. Just wondering what the status is on you working on something for the transition for Axe Fx II >> AXF III. Its getting close to order day. I haven't really seen much info on if we will be able to move blocks at least to the III in an easy way. I have money for you when your solution is ready! lol Tom.
    Hi Tom,
    Until i get an Axe 3 (not before may in EU), the status is simple : i even don't know if it will be possible
    Tom Morris
    Tom Morris
    We will keep the faith.
    Hi AlGrenadine,

    I will be buying a used RAC12 MkII unit this weekend, which I'm very much looking forward to owning. Im a more knobs type of person than Tablet etc. However i was wondering is there somewhere/website that you have the very latest firmware for the units in case i should need it? Latest manuals/edit programme etc.

    Best regards,

    Big T
    Big T
    Hi again Alex,
    Many thanks for the link, there i found the manual and RACEdit.pkg, great. Would there be a need to update the firmware in the RAC12 unit, if so where would i find that?
    Again appreciate the response :eek:}
    If needed, rac12edit will tell you and will update it
    Big T
    Big T
    Thats great, many thanks again Alex, appreciate your quick response :eek:}
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