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  • Hey man, I could share the patch but honestly to get the tone it would take some work on your part to recreate you know? Because it's actually two patches, one Rectifier patch and one 5150 patch. I'd track the left guitars once through with the recto patch, then track the same guitars over again with the 5150 patch, in mixing i put the 5150 patch around 8 decibels lower in volume compared to that of the recto patch to give it a cool blend. I did the same with the right ear as well double tracking it BUT mixed the left ear slightly more even with only a 2 decibel difference between the recto and 5150 tracks which blended the tons and takes together much more than the left ear, basically giving me two SLIGHTLY different tones that blended nicely. All of it was recorded with an LTD Ec1000 guitar with active EMG's....pickups and what not of course will make a difference. If you still want the patches, next time i'm on my studio computer i'll save them and send them your way for sure!
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