Possible Bug? External Switch Polarity setting not saving after reboot

Chad Beattie

When I change the polarity of the external switches from Normal to Reverse, they revert back to Normal after power cycling the Axe-Fx. The Behavior settings appear to stay intact though. My switches still work correctly so I'm assuming the changes were saved, but the menu is not being updated to reflect the current state.

Can anyone else test this and confirm?
From Home Screen
1. Setup (Press Button E)
2. Menu->FC Controllers
3. Remote
4. Ext. Switch 1-4, change Polarity from Normal to Reverse
5. Power Cycle Axe-Fx
6. Check to see if the Polarity shows Normal again
Yep same behavior here it reverts to Normal upon reboot and tried with both behaviors: Virtual Toggle and Follow Hardware
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