Friedman confusion



I have a real luxury problem! I’m confused by the names of the friedman models, hopefully someone can help me out:

Friedman BE/HBE - Marsha BE/HBE channel (dark)

Friedman BE/HBE V1 - Mark Day’s (newer) friedman Be-100 with voicing switch to the right

Friedman BE/HBE V2 - Mark Day’s (newer) friedman Be-100 with voicing switch to the left

Friedman BE C45 - Friedman ? Be-100 2018 ? Voicing unknown with C45 switch? (This one has a lot of gain for a BE model; more than the HBE?!)

Friedman 2018 - Is this HBE or BE?

Friedman 2018 C45 - HBE or BE? Voicing switch?

Also is the fat switch a generic thing for all models, or also modelled per amp?

What do you guys use as a ‘clean’ channel? I use real cab’s at the moment, and want to stay in the same ballpark (so I want my clean channel to make sense tonewise compared to my dirty channel). For the Bogner XTC I just use the Shiva, and for the Dirty just a lower gain one. I guess the JTM45 would be a good match?

The Axe III has a user-selectable boost option which is fantastic, will the AX8 get this in the future, or is this not possible?

The AX8 is an amazing product that changed the way I can enjoy my hobby, also wanted to thank AustinBuddy, Yek and Leon for their amazing contributions, and Brett Kingman for giving me the final push to ‘go digital’!

Kind regards,


Thanks for the suggestion, I’m very familiar with Yek’s guide, unfortunately it doesn’t provide answers to my questions.

Friedman BE C45 - Friedman ? Be-100 2018 ? Voicing unknown with C45 switch? (This one has a lot of gain for a BE model; more than the HBE?!)

BE channel of a 2018 Friedman BE100 with the C45 switch engaged. Voicing setting unknown.

C45 boosts treble and therefore adds gain.

Friedman 2018 - Is this HBE or BE?

HBE channel of a 2018 Friedman BE100.

Friedman 2018 C45 - HBE or BE? Voicing switch?

HBE channel of a 2018 Friedman BE100 with the C45 switch engaged.

Also is the fat switch a generic thing for all models, or also modelled per amp?

AFAIK it's modeled per amp if the original amp has such a switch.
If the original amp doesn't have a FAT switch, the model still provides a FAT switch.

Wiki: 5.3 FAT
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