Recent content by Whistler

  1. Whistler

    My First Axe-Fx Weekend! Can't believe it's finally happening! (formerly 'Ordered today...')

    I rather like it and find it very workable as a neck pickup in the normal mode.
  2. Whistler

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Release

    @chris @yek Your patience is very much appreciated with answering various questions and guiding people in the right direction 👍
  3. Whistler

    My First Axe-Fx Weekend! Can't believe it's finally happening! (formerly 'Ordered today...')

    I have the Schecter Blackjack SLS and can confirm that the sustainiac is great fun to play, obviously there’s a time and place for it but luckily the guitar is fully capable in all areas when sustainiac is bypassed. Also, Schecter guitars are made to a very high standard for the price range IMO.
  4. Whistler

    What am I doing wrong? Audio from iPad

    May I suggest, next time you RTFM first. This advice has been mentioned many times on this forum. 😉🤣
  5. Whistler

    FM3 Short Riff of my take on some rock "wide tones"

    The enhancer block is my no.1 must have in a preset. I play mainly through headphones so you can imagine how much of a game changer this was when I discovered it many years ago. I “borrowed” a block library from Leon Todd that gets put in every new preset. Your demo does a good job of showing...
  6. Whistler

    A little fractal story

    Your friendship will live on in the music you made together.
  7. Whistler

    Guitar instrumental Impro

    Very nice BB, the beginning has an “empty rooms” vibe about it. Are you still using Fremen’s 5 scene preset pack?
  8. Whistler

    Strat-Like Guitars on the market

    Yes, still going strong although I got mine in 1991 so haven’t dealt with them for some time.😀
  9. Whistler

    Strat-Like Guitars on the market

    I’m probably a bit biased on this subject as I have the guitar pictured in my avatar, but personally I recommend researching Levinson Blade guitars. Definitely something in their range to fit your budget.
  10. Whistler

    Why I can’t get delay repeats on one side?

    May I congratulate the OP. You actually summoned up the holy trinity of help in the first 3 replies. Nice work to have those 3 on speed dial 😀👍
  11. Whistler

    New Member

    Is there a list somewhere that tells you how many posts are needed for the various levels. Just asking out of mild curiosity rather than a desperate thirst for knowledge.
  12. Whistler

    Cracking finger joints?

    I can certainly relate to this. However, my issues have been magnified over the past 4 months as I had to have a STT joint fusion in my left wrist. Without boring you with the details, when I was finally able to bend my wrist post op, the wrist would periodically feel stiff until I kept...
  13. Whistler

    Falling behind

    I think you could cut the OP a little slack here. If he hadn’t of posted then none of us would be any the wiser that “Firmware 6.00 for the FM9 went to private beta yesterday.” I for one, am grateful that information is now in the public domain. Hopefully, discovering information on all things...
  14. Whistler

    AXE FX II XL+ still good on 2023?

    I have a AXE FX 2 XL and have no desire to upgrade any time soon. I have invested many many hours on perfecting my presets and I’m in a very happy place right now. Hit me up if you go ahead with the XL and I’ll DM you a load of presets to get you going and hopefully save you a lot of precious time.
  15. Whistler

    Practice Chair

    Probably not this chair. Unless you have the dog to go with it.
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