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  • Hey Hunter,

    So I'm going to be picking up the poweramp tomorrow in Buffalo,
    I wanted to ask what would be our options if it DOES turn out to be the Randall preamp?
    Also, I'm assuming that the Randall was supposed to be sent out to someone? Have they perhaps received it or the poweramp?

    As far as I see, the best option would be perhaps to ship the preamp back to you, and have you ship the Carvin to me in Toronto,
    as I simply cannot make another trip to Buffalo in the coming weeks.

    Please let me know if you have any ideas, and it would be much easier for me if you could perhaps give me a phone number to contact you at tomorrow should it be the wrong package.
    My cell is 647 405 3734, if you have any questions you can give me a shout.

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