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  • Thanks for the reply...sorry it's been a couple days....as i was waiting for the reply, i actually thought of increasing the off value to higher than 5%...I didn't get to actually try it, but, I think that is going to be the solution....I moved it to 10%...
    BTW, don't want to bother you with other nonsense, but I've been perusing the forums looking for great tones...I don't really have a great affinity for petrucci, but this video is the tone I am looking for and nobody has any settings really close...any ideas where to look? I will have to try and tweak some settings on patches in the forum, but, i've got little time on my hands other than playing on the weekends and little ones running around so I can't tweak enough...ideas if you might?

    starting at 3:26


    thanks man...appreciate your help and posts
    Hi Joel,

    Are you using auto-engage?
    Can you post the settings of the Modifier menu of your Wah?

    This may be caused by "interference" at the expression pedal outputs of your controller. Try using a stereo cable with plastic plugs. Or, if using auto-engage, set the Off Val in the Modifier menu to a larger value than 5%.

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