What will be Fractal's next product?

Maybe it is an FX only version indeed? that could explain why so very little new effect stuff/improvements was added in the last FW updates.

This is what I believe too. An effects only floorboard unit (+ a looper).
floorboard would make most sense imho.even though there is other name brand floor units i dont think they could compete in hardware or audio quality.stompboxes wouldnt make sense considering tc electronic and eventide are putting out high quality effect pedals.as far as software im not sure i would go that direction considering all the problems they have had with ax edit maybe software isnt theyre strong suit.but i dont think cliff would put it out unless it was a high quality product
Yes, for sure this part is 100% fact like I said. The other parts about the reason for the slow availability of the MFC, & if the floorboard will have amps models or not is speculation. I still believe the floorboard will include some amp models(maybe just wishing on my part)

The floorboard is 100% confirmed fact!!! I knew that Cliff couldn't say "wrong on all counts". lol

They also have something else in the works for later......

Care to share your source of information? Or is this just speculation, seeing as Cliff just rumbled you.
From Cliff's interview, sounds that he'll develop one or a variety of cheaper units.
What I would like is for the same technology to be applied to vocal processing. I would buy that TODAY!
Cliff seems more focused on Guitar products than anything else, so I doubt a vocal effects unit is what it will be.
My bet is it's going to be the effects only board that was still in the prototype phase before the Axe II was introduced. If that's the case the Tube amp guys are in for a real treat!
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I would love a mini Axe...small portable wail away anywhere kind of thing...maybe call it the"Pik Axe"...
Can't reveal the source, but lets move on. A floorboard is coming......

I would love to know the features, but it won't be long now.

Yeah but as I said on TGP prove it!

Undisclosed source???...Oh COME ON!

Even Cliff himself said you were wrong about most of it!
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My 2 cents. Either an effects only floorboard at a lower price or an Axe2 in a floorboard for more than the current Axe2 but less than Axe2 / MFC101 combo, or nothing...
What ever it is,

Consider this my submission to get on the waiting list.

Considering my typical patch is nothing more then amp->cab->Delay->Reverb, if it is a watered down version, I am interested.

If it is a in a pedalboard format, I would have to assume it is watered down.

I simply refuse to stomp on gear that cost me 2500$
I for one would be interested in just the amp/cabs models in a (large) stompbox. You'd only need one Tigersharc CPU, a bunch of converters and the Axefx2 firmware. So it could be say $1400-1500 or something.

It would be great for people that have an existing pedal board they like, and just want the flexibility of all the amps and direct in. With other midi aware pedals like the Timeline you could have a lot of fun building presets with real pedals. You lose some flexibility and gain the tactile "touch and see" all the settings at once. Said box would have gain/bass/mid/treble/presence/master as discrete encoder/led-ring knobs on the unit like a real amp.

But I don't think it's different enough to satisfy "different market segment" point. More like what I want to see :)
Whatever it is going to be, let it not make us think of selling the AxeII and MFC101, rather work with these to enhance the experience even further - that IMO, would be good.
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