What The Hell?

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Ya know...if you were micing an amp and cab you would be going from analog to digital anyway, so why not run out of the Axe FX analog outs into your preamp front-end and use an active splitter to get a "dry" reamping track if you want that. I think of the Axe more as an "amp replacement" than as a recording interface...
absolutely, i actually have several great pre's that have the split already built in. its more for the reamping part so that i can just use the axefx as a digital insert (via AES) for fidelity (no extra conversion roundtrips), lower latency, and convenience.
Several years ago, I was looking to buy a 32 channel lightpipe interface specifically for running my Gigastudio CPU directly into my DAW digitally and I was looking at one particular product. I read extensively about it, called the company and spoke with them, and as it turned out there were some limitations I couldn't deal with....so I didn't buy it. It sucked because I REALLY could have used the feature of bringing in 32 channels at once, especially on an orchestral score or other large project...but unfortunately sometimes the manufacturer doesn't make what we need...
absolutely, i actually have several great pre's that have the split already built in. its more for the reamping part so that i can just use the axefx as a digital insert (via AES) for fidelity (no extra conversion roundtrips), lower latency, and convenience.

Yeah...I hear ya...
Welcome to the forum.

Would you paste a link to some of your work? Maybe the same song in 44.1K and 96K, so we can hear what you are talking about.

I guess that won't happen. (oh that was sarcasm, not being an ass)
and yet, ironically, you spend the hour bitching about a post on an issue that apparently doesnt involve you at all.

Actually I spent about 5 mins and it does involve me. I am a member of the forum and actually try on occasion to help others with my limited knowledge. You brought up a valid concern and it has been brought up many times over the last 5 years and answered many times over. I simply pointed out, as others have, that a little common courtesy goes a long way when asking others for their help and/or opinions. Sorry if I touched on a sore spot or something. :)
Several years ago, I was looking to buy a 32 channel lightpipe interface specifically for running my Gigastudio CPU directly into my DAW digitally and I was looking at one particular product. I read extensively about it, called the company and spoke with them, and as it turned out there were some limitations I couldn't deal with....so I didn't buy it. It sucked because I REALLY could have used the feature of bringing in 32 channels at once, especially on an orchestral score or other large project...but unfortunately sometimes the manufacturer doesn't make what we need...
unfortunately, the afx is halfway there. the sounds are great, its just the connectivity that kind of sucks. itd be great if it sounded terrible as well, then itd be a complete loss, oh well, move on. but to have it halfway there and dangled in front of you is just annoying.
Actually I spent about 5 mins and it does involve me. I am a member of the forum and actually try on occasion to help others with my limited knowledge. You brought up a valid concern and it has been brought up many times over the last 5 years and answered many times over. I simply pointed out, as others have, that a little common courtesy goes a long way when asking others for their help and/or opinions. Sorry if I touched on a sore spot or something. :)
well, the extent of your help and common courtesy was to bitch about my bitching, so. . . thanks?
There's always that SWEET cassette tape 4 track Portastudio I saw on Ebay....YEAH!
Welcome to the forum.

Would you paste a link to some of your work? Maybe the same song in 44.1K and 96K, so we can hear what you are talking about.

I guess that won't happen. (oh that was sarcasm, not being an ass)
of course it wont happen, its impossible to do a direct comparison of a project containing recorded audio and vst instruments at two different sample rates without performing src on the audio and thereby skewing the test. theres plenty of info out there on the benefits of working ITB at 96k, i dont wish to even bother getting into that discussion.

At least show us something, what you have done, so we can get the high quality work. It can be mp3, wave even youtube.
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well, the extent of your help and common courtesy was to bitch about my bitching, so. . . thanks?

There is no help to give. You got your answers regardless if you agree with them or not. And you are 100% correct in your comment as I was tying to point out that you catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Each to his own. I'll move along ...
so if there was no audible difference, what is the point?
what are you talking about? there would be an audible difference, but the difference could be attributed as much to the SRC on the audio as it would be to the recording samplerate or internal plugin processing. this is why i dont want to get into this discussion -- do some reading on the topic. i dont care to be the educator.
"do some reading on the topic."...and you will find very qualified and prestigious advocates on both sides of the issue.

At least show us something, what you have done, so we can get the high quality work. It can be mp3, wave even youtube.
my work is irrelevant to the topic, and im not at liberty to be posting files of my clients work. but if you need "credibility" or whatever: google jesse colin young, ive recorded and mastered some of his stuff. google adam cross, i recorded, produced, and mixed his debut album. google mike frost, i recorded, mixed, and mastered his last album.
"do some reading on the topic."...and you will find very qualified and prestigious advocates on both sides of the issue.
and you will find no one who can intelligently argue that 44.1 is better, only that it is sufficient.
just got my AFXII. using USB, i MUST use the AFX as my entire sound card to use its functions. sure, i'll bypass the two Lynx Aurora 16's clocked from the Apogee Big Ben to use a USB interface just to get full functionality. so i'll use AES straight into my RME HDSPe's. . . nope, the AFX won't sync to anything but 48k. i'm a pro studio running all projects at 96k -- i'm not going to reduce the quality of most of my vst instruments by running at 48k. these seem like glaring oversights on a product intended for pro studio use. am i missing something?

do some reading on the topic. i dont care to be the educator.

You will find those that argue that higher rates are not objectively necessary...merely subjectively
and you will find that those arguments are with regard to recorded audio, not internal processing of vst effects and, more importantly, vst instruments -- where it is pretty well understood that there is a significant sonic benefit when the plugins in question are coded to take advantage of the higher rate.
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