Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer

Apparently I have to avoid the entire internet until December 18th 2015. I don't want to see any trailers, screenies, leaks, interviews, anything. I can see how the net will find a way to give away the ENTIRE plot of the movie before it even comes out.
When the announcer voice says " Scenes from next week's episode" I'm diving for the remote. Don't want it ruined.
Spoiler alert....Darth Vader is Luke's father.

Sorry, but there will never be a "kick you square in the giblets" moment like that in movie history again. ;)
Spoiler alert....Darth Vader is Luke's father.

Sorry, but there will never be a "kick you square in the giblets" moment like that in movie history again. ;)

So I watched "Empire" with my 5 year old son and even had a video camera ready for the "big reveal", and... nothing. Afterwards I asked him what he thought about Vader being Luke's Father. He thought for a moment, and then said:

"So Darth Vader is the second most powerful person in the galaxy after The Emperor, right? So Luke should have joined with Darth Vader and ruled the galaxy with him and they would have been boss of all the storm trooper guys and together they could probably beat the Emperor guy and then no one could tell them what to do."

Oh my god, I'm raising a Sith! :)
"So Darth Vader is the second most powerful person in the galaxy after The Emperor, right? So Luke should have joined with Darth Vader and ruled the galaxy with him and they would have been boss of all the storm trooper guys and together they could probably beat the Emperor guy and then no one could tell them what to do."

Oh my god, I'm raising a Sith! :)

Clever kid. Might want to keep him away from Ayn Rand books though ;)
Too early to tell if this'll be a good kickoff for the new trilogy or not. I remember back in '99 watching the Episode I trailer and thinking how awesome it looked....then I saw the film :-(

I'm going to keep an open mind. At the very least, it should be better than any of the prequels.

I'm interested in the role played by John Boyega, the man in the stormtrooper armor. Is he in disguise? Is he a stormtrooper who has a crisis of faith? At the very least, we know that stormtroopers in this part of the timeline are no longer clones of Jango Fett.
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