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Zeppelin Heartbreaker Solo

I've actually been working on this solo on and off for quite a while now and just like everyone else has said, it's frickin' spot on! The tone is great, but you got the swing and groove down which is more impressive to me.
hey shasha, lets hear yours!

This was the "Eruption" befpre 1978
Are you kidding? I'm not following that up. :razz

Seriously the part after the bends where it's like a mix of petatonic and chromatic mess has been frustrating me for what seems like years. I suppose part of that is what makes this so impressive to me.

Dude, you nailed it!

Is this an old April Fools joke because it is spot on.

Any tips on how to get this sound? please please please :D
That was just amazing! Bravo!!!

Nailed the tone and performance.

Post the patch (or patches) when you get the chance. I'd love to try this out!
Yep, Awesome works

Wow. I would venture to guess that is the closest anyone has ever come to duplicating the performance and tone of what for me is an iconic lead.

I wouldn't give away the patch. That must have taken a considerable amount of work to nail the tone so closely. It would be nice to have a hint about the patch though. Just goes to show what the AXE is capable of when the settings are dialed in properly. Bravo.
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