Your room is shit. Fix your room.

I've recently really improved my room with some acoustic treatment. I use a pair of Tannoy Reveal monitors on Auralex isolation pads for monitoring at home. Previously I had them placed on an Ikea desk and the speaker vibrations caused a good deal of low end buildup from the desk itself. To further compound my low end issue, my studio at home is a very square, all block tiled room. All of these factors added to a very unrealistic representation in the low end and has made it hard to create mixes that translate well live. Any patches checked at gig volumes (90db) would start rattling the whole room. In order to combat this I've placed my monitors on isolated monitor stands and added Auralex bass traps to the corners. I feel like my room and my over all patches have benefited greatly from this $200 investment.

DLDR: Treat your room!

Thanks for the info fellas.
I've recently really improved my room with some acoustic treatment. I use a pair of Tannoy Reveal monitors on Auralex isolation pads for monitoring at home. Previously I had them placed on an Ikea desk and the speaker vibrations caused a good deal of low end buildup from the desk itself. To further compound my low end issue, my studio at home is a very square, all block tiled room. All of these factors added to a very unrealistic representation in the low end and has made it hard to create mixes that translate well live. Any patches checked at gig volumes (90db) would start rattling the whole room. In order to combat this I've placed my monitors on isolated monitor stands and added Auralex bass traps to the corners. I feel like my room and my over all patches have benefited greatly from this $200 investment.

Adding bass traps can help, but one of the primary early reflection points (on either side of the listening position) is still going to have a fairly big impact(trust me), thus you should consider treating it with a few Auralex panels at the least.
The ARC2 System is good,
But even if I use it now since years, I began to threat my room, because I want to experience a good room sound without the use of the plugin in the master of the daw, especially, when playing guitar without the usage of my computer.

For the small budget I suggest "Your mix sucks" from Marc Mozart. This 212 page Minibook has an enormous bag of tricks in it to threat a room with small budget. Everyone can afford this.
I've used a combination of Primacoustic panels (and cloud), and right now I have one corner full with Realtraps megatraps. I'm in a sort of LE/DE setup. It's much better than it was, but I still have the small room problem of low frequencies, especially around 100 Hz. The ARC2 system is a good workaround although not a true fix. I still need to fill one corner with the megatraps ($$) and then I'll see where I'm at. My solution is to mix mainly on my good monitors, but then test on a variety of sources to include avantones, headphones, and car stereo. It's really important to know your room and compensate for its limitations.
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