X-Load crazy burnt smell....

So I bought a used Sovtek Mig 100H today, plugged it in to the X-Load, and into the Axe FX III like I do with my other amps. After about 10 mins of playing, I decided to dime the amp, the fuse blew and turned off, and the X-Load started to smell all kinds of weird. I figured, shit, I burnt it. I waited a while, now I turned it back on and put on another amp into the X-Load, and to my relief it works perfectly fine, but man, does it smell weird. Should I be worried about my X-Load? Seems to be working fine, but for something to randomly start smelling like it was BBQ'd, sure alarmed me.

Anyone have a similar experience or have any knowledge as to what I may have almost cooked in there?
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